Learning Divi

Quick Start Guide

~30 min

In this video I do a quick wlakthrough of all necessary things to get started.

Feel free to start with this, if you want to get started quickly, and try out a few things with Divi.

I do recommend watching the videos below eventually though, to get a better in-depth understanding of WordPress and Divi.

Understanding WordPress

WordPress interface 02:56min

  • Definition of Dashboard
  • Explaining the top bar

Cleaning up 02:22min

  • Delete Hello World Post
  • Delete default Page (not Privacy Policy)
  • Delete unnecessary Themes
  • Delete default Plugins

Difference between Pages/Posts/Projects 02:41min

  • What are they used for?
  • Always use Pages

Media and Optimizing Images 09:22min

  • What can be uploaded, where are limits
  • No fonts or script files, but there are ways around it
  • Videos
  • Small looping videos are ok
  • Entire Case Films should be hosted on YouTube or Vimeo
  • Maximum image size
  • Image optimizing techniques (JPG vs PNG)

Appearance 04:06min

  • Rough overview of Settings of the Theme Customizer
  • Widgets (not useful)
  • Menus
  • Background color
  • Theme File Editor (don’t touch)

Plugins 05:29min

  • How to install (from WordPress and manually)
  • How to use and where to find
  • Auto-Updates

Users 03:23min

  • Settings
  • Creating new users

Tools 01:13min

  • What to find in the tab

Settings 03:23min

  • Set Site Title and Tagline
  • Don’t touch URL
  • Set site language and timezone


Security 07:42min

  • Installing WordFence Plugin
  • Creating Free account
  • First Scan

General Settings of Divi

WordPress vs Divi 02:36min

  • What is used for what?

Theme Options 08:36min

  • General
  • Color Palette
  • Custom CSS
  • Builder (for fixing issues)
  • Integration
  • API license key

Theme Customizer 08:82min

  • Most Settings are irrelevant because they are overwritten or easier accessible somewhere else
  • Favicon
  • Layout Settings (spaces between elements)
  • Typography
  • Background color
  • Homepage Settings (choosing landingpage)

General Settings of Divi

Theme Builder 03:00min

  • Default header and footer (turn it off)
  • Different “Themes”

Visual Builder 44:54min

  • Building from Scratch
  • Section / Row / Column / Module
  • Modules
  • Text Module
  • Links
  • Backgrounds
  • Admin Label
  • Heading vs Paragraph
  • Sizing
  • Margins and Paddings
  • Other Settings
  • Save Draft vs Publish